AFA Anniversary! 2 years International success !

Dear all,

With honor and lots of joy we will like to share with you today that A.F.A. is closing 2 hole years of International expansion and success.

The past years, we try and work hard to bring something different in the global football industry. A different approach that has as center, the HUMAN BEING.

We are the first to create the profile of the "Life & Football consultants". We work for a greater Social development via Football. Football for us is a great tool that helps us to provide knowledge (know how), possibilities, options and self-inner development in a social, personal & professional level of the persons working with us. 

The last 2 years we created and different and innovating character. We have created 10 homemade projects, among them 3 for football players (with 5 success stories), 3 for football oriented professionals and 4 for FCs and organizations. More than 20 international associations and representations, more than 500 external partners that support us in our projects, and more than 30 Key persons internationally.

We are different because:
1)        We have as center the HUMAN BEING focusing on his self-inner development in a social, personal & professional level.
2)  We focus on the SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT. Our programs have educational and counseling character focusing only in the SOCIETY with FOOTBALL as our grater tool.
3)  We use as supporting and evaluation tools the INTELLECTUAL CAPACITY & EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, PHYSICAL EDUCATION and SPIRITUAL AWARENESS in order to reach higher CONSCIOUSNESS.   

We would like to thank you for your support, the confidence and trust you share with us.
We are sure that in short time ahead we will have greater success and many of you will be part of it.


Warm AFA regards
Marketing department

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