A.F.A. "Right to reply" (ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑ ΑΠΑΝΤΗΣΗΣ)

A.F.A. "The Right to Reply"

Dear all,

With emphasis on the article published on the football website www.academies.gr by Mrs. Dora Loakeimidou (http://www.acadimies.gr/site/article.php?aid=5568&cid=19) on the date of February 26, 2013, the board of directors and shareholders of the company AFA CONSULTANCY LTD (commercial name Advanced Football Artistry) officially declare unconditionally the following statements.

The company A.F.A. CONSULTANCY LTD (Advanced Football Artistry), by the Incorporation department, declares the utmost dissatisfaction regarding to what was stated in the mentioned article on the web site www.academies.gr. Its outcome has severely affected our company, its associates, and our international representative Mr. Alexandrou Christodoulos in the Greek and Greek-Cypriot press. 

Since A.F.A.'s heartfelt request was never FULLY respected by Mrs. Dora Ioakeimidou and its associates, A.F.A. who claimed the "RIGHT TO REPLY" according to the Greek constitution is up loading its official response that was never announced by on the web site www.academies.gr the day 5 of MArch 2013.

Read the hole article in English version:

Incorporation Department

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